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Friday, 19 April 2013

Ajax AsyncFileUpload control example in to upload files to server

Ajax AsyncFileUpload control example in to upload files to server


Here I will explain how to use Ajax AsyncFileUpload control to upload files to folder and show progress bar during upload files to server using you want to upload file on the web server then you do not define the path it use virtual path of our folder only set the read and write permission on the folder.

Description : -

I will explain how to use ajax AsyncFileUpload control to upload files to folder in Before proceed to implement sample have you install ajaxcontroltoolkit in visual studio or not if not install it otherwise if you already done then follow the below steps to implement Ajax AsyncFileUpload control example in

First create one new website after that right click on it add new folder and give name as ‘Files’ after that add AjaxControlToolkit reference to your application and add following line in your aspx page
<%@ Register Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" tagPrefix="ajax" %>
Once add above references design your aspx page will be likes this
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajax" %>
<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This function will execute after file uploaded successfully
function uploadComplete() {
document.getElementById('<%=lblMsg.ClientID %>').innerHTML = "File Uploaded Successfully";
// This function will execute if file upload fails
function uploadError() {
document.getElementById('<%=lblMsg.ClientID %>').innerHTML = "File upload Failed.";
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<ajax:ToolkitScriptManager ID="scriptManager1" runat="server"/>
<ajax:AsyncFileUpload ID="fileUpload1" OnClientUploadComplete="uploadComplete" OnClientUploadError="uploadError"
CompleteBackColor="White" Width="350px" runat="server" UploaderStyle="Modern" UploadingBackColor="#CCFFFF"
ThrobberID="imgLoad" OnUploadedComplete="fileUploadComplete" /><br />
<asp:Image ID="imgLoad" runat="server" ImageUrl="loading.gif" />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="lblMsg" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>

If you observe above code I define lot of properties to ajax:AsyncFileUpload now I will explain all the

Now in code behind add following namespaces

C# Code 

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using AjaxControlToolkit;

After completion of adding namespaces write following code in code behind
protected void fileUploadComplete(object sender, AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUpload1.FileName);
fileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Files/") + filename);

VB Code

Imports System.Web.UI
Imports AjaxControlToolkit
Partial Class Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub fileUploadComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AsyncFileUploadEventArgs)
Dim filename As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileUpload1.FileName)
fileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Files/") & filename)
End Sub
End Class

Download sample code attached

How Install Ajax in visual studio?

    1) First step is to download the latest version of the Ajax Control Toolkit from CodePlex whichever suits to your visual studio. If you are using Visual Studio 2008 then you should pick the version of the Ajax Control Toolkit for .NET 3.5. If you are using Visual Studio 2010 then you can use either the .NET 4 or .NET 3.5 versions of the Ajax Control Toolkit.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

create restful wcf service api using post step by step

create restful wcf service api using post step by step
Categories :-Introduction to WCF , Differences Between WCF and ASP.NET Web Services 
Introduction :-
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is an SDK for developing and deploying services on Windows. WCF provides a runtime environment for your services, enabling you to expose CLR types as services, and to consume other services as CLR types. In this article, I am going to explain how to implement restful service API using WCF 4.0 . The Created API returns XML and JSON data using WCF attributes.

REST uses some common HTTP methods to insert/delete/update/retrieve information which is below:
  1. GET - Requests a specific representation of a resource
  2. PUT - Creates or updates a resource with the supplied representation
  3. DELETE - Deletes the specified resource
  4. POST - Submits data to be processed by the identified resource

Why and Where to Use REST?

  1. Less overhead (no SOAP envelope to wrap every call in)
  2. Less duplication (HTTP already represents operations like DELETE, PUT, GET, etc. that have to otherwise be represented in a SOAP envelope).
  3. More standardized - HTTP operations are well understood and operate consistently. Some SOAP implementations can get finicky.
  4. More human readable and testable (harder to test SOAP with just a browser).
  5. Don't need to use XML (well, you kind of don't have to for SOAP either but it hardly makes sense since you're already doing parsing of the envelope).
  6. Libraries have made SOAP (kind of) easy. But you are abstracting away a lot of redundancy underneath as I have noted. Yes, in theory, SOAP can go over other transports so as to avoid riding atop a layer doing similar things, but in reality just about all SOAP work you'll ever do is over HTTP.

Step by Step Guide For Develop WCF restful web service

We will develop Restful WCS API in 6 steps. So let’s start now.


First of all launch Visual Studio 2010. Click FILE->NEW->PROJECT. Create new "WCF Service Application".


Once you create the project, you can see in solution that By Default WCF service and interface file are already created. Delete By default created file as we will create our own interface and WCF service file.


Now right click on solution and create one new WCF service file. I have given name to the service file as “RestServiceImpl.svc”.


As I explained at the start of the article that we will be writing an API which can return data in XML and JSON format, here is the interface for that. In IRestServiceImpl, add the following code:

Copy the Above shource Code as shown Below

    public interface IRestServiceImpl
        [System.ServiceModel.Web.WebInvoke(Method = "GET",ResponseFormat=System.ServiceModel.Web.WebMessageFormat.Xml, BodyStyle =System.ServiceModel.Web.WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, UriTemplate = "xml/{id}")]
        string XMLData(string id);
        [System.ServiceModel.Web.WebInvoke(Method = "GET", ResponseFormat = System.ServiceModel.Web.WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = System.ServiceModel.Web.WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, UriTemplate = "json/{id}")]
        string JSONData(string id);

In the above code, you can see two different methods of IRestService which are XMLData and JSONData. XMLData returns result in XML whereas JSONData in JSON.


Open the file RestServiceImpl.svc.cs and write the following code over there:

Find the Source as shown below
public class RestServiceImpl : IRestServiceImpl
        #region IRestService Members
        public string XMLData(string id)
            return "You Request Porduct" + ":"+id;

        public string JSONData(string id)
            return "Yor Request Product" +":"+ id;


Now let’s move to configuration part which is the last one. There will be two basic parts of the configurations file which we must have to understand.
This part contains information about the End Point. Below are the code details.

This part contains details about service and endpoint behavior.

Source code of web.config file as shown below

<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
      <service name="RestService.RestServiceImpl" behaviorConfiguration="metadataBehavior">
        <endpoint address="" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="RestService.IRestServiceImpl" behaviorConfiguration="web">              
        <behavior name="metadataBehavior">
          <!-- To avoid disclosing metadata information, set the value below to false and remove the metadata endpoint above before deployment -->
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
          <!-- To receive exception details in faults for debugging purposes, set the value below to true.  Set to false before deployment to avoid disclosing exception information -->
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/>
        <behavior name="web">
    <serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
    <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>

Build your Project Which Shown Below

You got  -:                    Service added Succefully in bottom of left hand site of the corner 


 In xml and json format as shown below
Xml Format

JSON Format

Download sample code attached

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

simple Menu using Jquery Beginners Tutorial

simple Menu using Jquery Beginners Tutorial in html from
This  article is to teach how to create drop down menu  in html.I am not going to design a
graphical pull down menu.  Instead I am trying to reveal the basic construction of pull down

  When creating menus using jquery only the hiding and pop up of menu is handled by jquery. The
actual layout is created using  css. Creating drop down menus in css means align a <ul> and
it's child <ul> using css,because the pull down menu is constructed using a <ul>.So code for
creating menu in html includes css and jquery.

You can see a demo of resultant menu here
Code is Here


<style type="text/css">

*{    margin: 0;
    padding: 0}
    #menu li
    {    float: left;
        list-style: none;

    #menu li a
    {    display: block;

        #menu li ul
            position: absolute;
            display: none;


        #menu li ul li
        {    float: none;
            display: inline


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#menu > li").mouseenter(function(){
$(this).find('ul').css('display', 'inline');

$("#menu > li").mouseleave(function(){
$(this).find('ul').css('display', 'none');

<ul id="menu">
<li><a href="">Facebook</a></li>
<li><a href="">Google</a></li>
<li><a href="">My Blog</a></li>
<a href="#">Menu2</a>
<li><a href="">GMail</a></li>
<li><a href="">Twitter</a></li>


Code description
                      The pull down menu is actually a  <ul>  that is unordered list. Here in the <body>
section I have placed a <ul>   with id="menu".    As seen in the demo above in this page,
here have two menus namely Menu1 and Menu2.

      This Menu1 and Menu2 are  links(<a>) placed in  <li> of <ul> with id="menu".  Besides this link
there have another <ul> in each <li>.  The  menu items are placed in the <li> of this child <ul>.

        This <ul> without applying  css  is displayed just like a list.   But using some simple css
commands we can convert it into a menu form.

*{    margin: 0;
    padding: 0}
This code is for remove margin and padding from all elements.


Is used to place the menu above all elements in page.   

Is use to remove the under line from links.

In the code segment :-
#menu li
    {    float: left;
        list-style: none;
        float : left   place the li of ul side by side.In default it is from top to bottom,  that is vertically.       
        list-style: none removes the dots (.) from the front of each item.
        #menu li a
    {    display: block;
        Is for display each item as a block.

        #menu li ul
            position: absolute;
            display: none;

            Here position: absolute is for place the menu items exactly  below  menu heading
            irrespect  of other elements in the page.
            display: none is for hide this contents initially.The menu items will be displayed only
            after mouse entered in menu heading.
        #menu li ul li
        {    float: none;
            display: inline
            Here float: none is for remove the float to left property of child <ul>'s <li>, which is
            set in #menu li   by{    float: left}

Because here that does not require because the menu items should be displayed in  vertical manner.
display: inline set the menu items vertically.
                The alignment of menu is over.Now we go through the jquery  section which displays and hide
    the menu items.
    $("#menu > li").mouseenter(function(){
$(this).find('ul').css('display', 'inline');

      This code will display the child ul,that is our menu items.The parent <ul>s <li>s
mouseenter event is defined with setting child <ul>'s display property to inline.Note
that this is set to display:none initially in the css section.$(this).find(ul)
will get the child element.  .css() is a jquery library function used to change css
property of certain elements.
     One more thing  remain is  that we need to hide the menu item again when mouse   is come out from the menu items.        That is done by this code
$("#menu > li").mouseleave(function(){
$(this).find('ul').css('display', 'none');
     This is just like above code. mouseleave   event is used to detect the disappearence of mouse
pointer.      $(this).find('ul')    will give the child <ul> then display : none is used
to hide the menu items.

Download sample code attached

create simple drop down menu using jquery

Monday, 15 April 2013

Difference Between Query String and Session and Cookies

Difference Between Query String and Session and Cookies
Querystring Session
Querystring is client side state management technique. Session is server side state management technique.
Querystring data is page specific i.e. can be accessed in that page only. Session data can be accessed throughout the session.
Querystring data is visible to user and can be seen in browser url. Session data is not visible to user.
Data is not secured and can be altered hence insensitive data is stored in querystring. Data is secured hence sensitive data such as user information is stored.
Querystring has constraint of Maxlength. Session does not have such constraint.

Difference between Query string and Cookies

cookies is a text file stored on client machine when we surf ant thing on internet by the server automatically we dont have to create it

query string is used to transfer data from 1 page to anothe but this is not safe s it shows in url what data we r sending
pen any site and see url after question mark tht is url

Cookies: - Cookies are little pieces of information that a server stores on a browser. They are of two types
1. Temporary cookie
2. Persistent cookie

Temporary cookie: - They are also known as session cookies. These are volatile in nature. When the browser is shutdown they are erased.

Persistent cookie:- These may be called as permanent cookies. These are especially saved in files. It may remain for a month or year.

Properties of cookies
Some properties of cookie
Name: - represent the name of cookie.
Name value: - represent a collection of key values of cookie
Domain: - represent the domain associated with a specific cookie.
Path: - the path associated with a cookie.
Expires: - expired time of cookie.
Hashkey: - identifies whether the cookie is a cookie dictionary.
Secure: - specifies whether the cookie is to be sent in an encrypted connection or not

Query string is the limited way to pass information to the web server while Transferring from one page to another page. This information is passed in url of the request. see below the code sample

Code Sample

//Retrieving values from query string
String name;
//Retrieving from query string
name = Request.Param["umar"].ToString();

But remember that many browsers impose a limit of 255 characters in query strings. You need to use HTTP-Get method to post a page to server otherwise query string values will not be available.

Difference between Session and Cookies

The basic and main difference between cookie and session is that cookies are stored in the user's browser but sessions can't store in user's browser. This specifies which is best used for.

• A cookie can keep all the information in the client's browser until deleted. If a person has a login and password, this can be set as a cookie in their browser so they do not have to re-login to your website every time they visit. You can store almost anything in a browser cookie.

• Sessions are not reliant on the user allowing a cookie. They work like a token in the browser which allowing access and passing information while the user has opened his browser. The problem in sessions is when you close the browser the session will automatically lost. So, if you had a site requiring a login, this couldn't be saved as a session but it can be saved as a cookie, and the user has to re-login every time they visit.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

what is authentication and authorization in .net state management/session interview questions answer
Authentication: - prove genuineness

Authorization: - process of granting approval or permission on resources.

The same dictionary meaning applies to ASP.NET as well. In ASP.NET authentication means to identify the user or in other words its nothing but to validate that he exists in your database and he is the proper user.
Authorization means does he have access to a particular resource on the IIS website. A resource can be an ASP.NET web page, media files (MP4, GIF, JPEG etc), compressed file (ZIP, RAR) etc.
So the first process which happens is authentication and then authorization. Below is a simple graphical representation of authentication and authorization. So when the user enters ‘userid’ and ‘password’ he is first authenticated and identified by the user name.
Now when the user starts accessing resources like pages, ASPDOTNETauthentication, videos etc, he is checked whether he has the necessary access for the resources. The process of identifying the rights for resources is termed as ‘Authorization’.
To put it in simple words to identify “he is shiv” is authentication and to identify that “Shiv is admin” is authorization.

Detecting authentication and authorization: - The principal and identity objects

At any moment of time if you want to know who the user is and what kind of authentication type he using you can use the identity object. If you want to know what kind of roles it’s associated with then we need to use the principal object. In other words to get authentication details we need to the identity object and to know about authorization details of that identity we need the principal object.

For instance below is a simple sample code which shows how to use identity and principal object to display name and check roles.

difference between form authentication and windows authentication asp net state management/session interview questions answer
ASP.NET has ways to Authenticate a user:
1) Forms Authentication :-
 Form authentication is used for internet and intranet based application.
This is provided so that web pages can make use of the local Windows User and Groups .

2) Windows Authentication :-
Windows authentication is the default authentication provided by the .net framework.

Windows Authentication provider is the default authentication provider for ASP.NET applications. When a user using this authentication logs in to an application, the credentials are matched with the Windows domain through IIS.

There are 4 types of Windows Authentication methods:
1) Anonymous Authentication - IIS allows any user
2) Basic Authentication - A windows username and password has to be sent across the network (in plain text format, hence not very secure).
3) Digest Authentication - Same as Basic Authentication, but the credentials are encrypted. Works only on IE 5 or above
4) Integrated Windows Authentication - Relies on Kerberos technology, with strong credential encryption

Forms Authentication
- This authentication relies on code written by a developer, where credentials are matched against a database. Credentials are entered on web forms, and are matched with the database table that contains the user information.
Authentication And Authorization
Authentication is the process of identification and validation of a user's credentials. After the identity is authenticated,
a process called authorization determines whether that identity has access to a particular resource.
ASP.NET provides three ways to authenticate a user:
Forms authentication
Windows authentication
Passport authentication

Setting in web.config file given below

Forms authentication
<authentication mode="Forms"/>
<forms name="login"loginUrl="loginPage.aspx" />
<deny users="?"/>

Windows authentication
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<allow users ="*" />

Passport authentication
<passportredirectUrl="loginPage.aspx" />
<deny users="?" />

df state management/session interview questions answer state management/session interview questions answer
1).What is state management?
Ans: State management is the process by which you maintain state and page information over multiple requests for the same or different pages.

2).Http is stateless, What does this mean?
Ans: Stateless protocol is a communications protocol that treats each request as an independent transaction that is unrelated to any previous request so that the communication consists of independent pairs of requests and responses.

3).What is Session?
Ans: We know that Http is stateless, means when we open a webpage and fill some information and then move to next page then the data which we have entered will lost.
It happed do to Http protocol stateless nature. So here session come into existence, Session provide us the way of storing data in server memory. So you can store your page data into server
memory and retrieve it back during page postbacks.

4).What are the Advantage and disadvantage of Session?
Ans: Advantages:
Session provide us the way of maintain user state/data.
It is very easy to implement.
One big advantage of session is that we can store any kind of object in it. :eg, datatabe, dataset.. etc
By using session we don't need to worry about data collesp, because it store every client data separately.
Session is secure and transparent from the user.
Performance overhead in case of large volumes of data/user, because session data is stored in server memory.
Overhead involved in serializing and de-serializing session data, because in the case of StateServer and SQLServer session modes, we need to serialize the objects before storing them.

5).What is Session ID in
Ans: Asp.Net use 120 bit identifier to track each session. This is secure enough and can't be reverse engineered. When client communicate with server, only session id is transmitted, between them. When client request for data, ASP.NET looks on to session ID and retrieves corresponding data.

6).By default where the sessions ID's are stored ?
Ans: By default, the unique identifier for a session is stored in a non-expiring session cookie in the browser. You can specify that session identifiers not be stored in a cookie by setting the cookieless attribute to true in the sessionState configuration element.
We can also configure our application to store it in the url by specifying a "cookieless" session
The ASP Session cookie has this format:-

7).Where does session stored if cookie is disabled on client’s machine?
Ans: If you want to disable the use of cookies in your ASP.NET application and still make use of session state, you can configure your application to store the session identifier in the URL instead of a cookie by setting the cookieless attribute of the sessionState configuration element to true, or to UseUri, in the Web.config file for your application.
The following code example shows a Web.config file that configures session state to use cookieless session identifiers.

      timeout="30" />

8).Can you describe all the property set in web.config under session state?
      sqlconnectionstring="data source=;user id=<user id>;password=<password>"

Mode: The mode setting supports three options: inproc, sqlserver, and stateserver. As stated earlier, ASP.NET supports two modes: in process and out of process. There are also two options for out-of-process state management: memory based (stateserver), and SQL Server based (sqlserver). We'll discuss implementing these options shortly.
Cookieless: The cookieless option for ASP.NET is configured with this simple Boolean setting.
Timeout: This option controls the length of time a session is considered valid. The session timeout is a sliding value; on each request the timeout period is set to the current time plus the timeout value
Sqlconnectionstring: The sqlconnectionstring identifies the database connection string that names the database used for mode sqlserver.
Server: In the out-of-process mode stateserver, it names the server that is running the required Windows NT service: ASPState.
Port: The port setting, which accompanies the server setting, identifies the port number that corresponds to the server setting for mode stateserver.

9).What are Session Events?
Ans: There are two types of session events available in ASP.NET:
You can handle both these events in the global.asax file of your web application. When a new session initiates, the session_start event is raised, and the Session_End event raised when a session is abandoned or expires.

10).How you can disable session?
Ans: If we set session Mode="off" in web.config, session will be disabled in the application. For this, we need to configure web.config the following way:
  <sessionstate  Mode="off"/>

Saturday, 13 April 2013

latest interview questions on asp net c# for 2 years experience

latest interview questions on asp net c# for 2 years experience
Introduction :-
I have collected the best and question with answer for experience person who have two [2] years of experience in and
Firstly any enterviewer ask to you

1 :-  How is Felling know ?
Asn :- Good ,Felling well like this you give the answer

2  :- Tell me about your self in brief ?
Good morning sir/madam.

This is Chitranjan Singh Rathore

My educational qualification are:

I have completed my 10th standard in 2002 from  Little flower school and also 12th standard in 2004.

I have completed my graduation in 2007 from Holkar science college.

I have completed my post graduation in 2010 from Medicaps Colloege indore .

Coming to my family background.

My father is a private employee in banking sector.

My mother is a housewife.

I have 1 elder sister and 2 elder brother.

My personal details are.

My strength are hardworking and truth person.

My weakness are emotional and a little shy.

My hobbies are playing cricket and indoor games.

Thank you.
3 :- What is life cycle ?

Life Cycle Events


The properties like IsPostBack have been set at this time.

This event will be used when we want to:

  1. Set master page dynamically.
  2. Set theme dynamically.
  3. Read or set profile property values.
  4. This event is also preferred if want to create any dynamic controls.
  1. Raised after all the controls have been initialized with their default values and any skin settings have been applied.
  2. Fired for individual controls first and then for page.
  1. Fires only if IsPostBack is true.
  2. Values stored in HiddenField with id as _ViewState decoded and stored into corresponding controls.

Some controls like:

  1. Fires only if IsPostBack is true.
  2. Some controls like Textbox are implemented from IPostBackDataHandler and this fires only for such controls.
  3. In this event page processes postback data included in the request object pass it to the respective controls.
  • Used only if want to inject logic before actual page load starts.
  • Used normally to perform tasks which are common to all requests, such as setting up a database query.
Control events
  1. This event is fired when IsPostBack is true.
  2. Use these events to handle specific control events, such as a Button control's Click event or a TextBox control's TextChanged event.
PreRenderRaised after the page object has created all the controls that are required for rendering which includes child controls and composite controls.
  1. Use the event to make final changes to the contents of the page or its controls before the values are stored into the viewstate and the rendering stage begins.
  2. Mainly used when we want to inject custom JavaScript logic.
  • All the control values that support viewstate are encoded and stored into the viewstate.
RenderGenerates output (HTML) to be rendered at the client side.
  • We can add custom HTML to the output if we want here.
  1. Fired for individual controls first and then for page.
  2. Used to perform cleanup work like closing open files and database connections.

5 :- How the request is handled by IIS ?

We give an URL to an aspx page in the browser address bar and press enter. What happens next? We get the response in terms of rendered HTML but how?
  1. We are requesting something from the browser, which means indirectly we are requesting something from the Web Server, that means IIS. IIS, based on the file extension, decides which ISAPI extension can serve the request.

    And in case of ASP.Net (.aspx) it will be aspnet_isapi_dll so the request is passed to it for processing.
  2. When the first request comes to the website,

    an application domain is created by the ApplicationManager class where exactly the website runs, and which creates an isolation between 2 web applications.
    Within the application domain an instance of the HostingEnvironment class is created which provides access information about the application such as the name of the folder where the application is stored.
  3. Next ASP.Net creates core objects like HttpContext, HttpRequest,HttpResponse.
  4. Finally the application starts by creating an instance of the HttpApplication Class (which can be reused for multiple requests to maximize performance).
6 :- difference between form authentication and windows authentication asp net ?
ans - Click Here
 difference between form authentication and windows authentication asp net 

7 :- what is authentication and authorization in .net ? 
ans :- Click Here 
what is authentication and authorization in .net

8 :- What is Difference between Session and Cookies  ? 

The basic and main difference between cookie and session is that cookies are stored in the user's browser but sessions can't store in user's browser. This specifies which is best used for.

• A cookie can keep all the information in the client's browser until deleted. If a person has a login and password, this can be set as a cookie in their browser so they do not have to re-login to your website every time they visit. You can store almost anything in a browser cookie.

• Sessions are not reliant on the user allowing a cookie. They work like a token in the browser which allowing access and passing information while the user has opened his browser. The problem in sessions is when you close the browser the session will automatically lost. So, if you had a site requiring a login, this couldn't be saved as a session but it can be saved as a cookie, and the user has to re-login every time they visit.
cookies are nothing but a small piece of information on the client machine. before we create a cookies we should check whether the cookies are allowed at the browser side. They are limited in a size 4k.(they are 2 types of cookies peristant cookie , and session cookies)

Sessions cookies are stored in a server memory during the client browser session.When the browser is closed the session cookies are lost.

9 :-Advantages and disadvantages of Session?
Following are the basic advantages and disadvantages of using session. I have describe in details with each type of session at later point of time.


  • It helps maintain user state and data all over the application.
  • It is easy to implement and we can store any kind of object.
  • Stores client data separately.
  • Session is secure and transparent from the user.


  • Performance overhead in case of large volumes of data/user, because session data is stored in server memory.
  • Overhead involved in serializing and de-serializing session data, because in the case of StateServer and SQLServer session modes, we need to serialize the objects before storing them.
Besides these, there are many advantages and disadvantages of session that are based on the session type. I have discussed all of them in the respective sections below.

Friday, 12 April 2013

asp net with mysql database connection

asp net with mysql database connection
Connect to and with page your database firstly you have to download the Connector
from this link
My Sql to Connector Link 
another second link you can download the mysql dotnet connector directly
Mysql to Connector Direct Link 
 It is very  essay for use or with Mysql database

1-: Firstly you have to download the set file for mysql connector with DOTNET
2:- Install the setup file

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Public static void main String arg means?

Public static void main String arg means?

  Catergoies-: how to install and configure the tomcat server

                      How to reset IIS with the command Prompt


public static void main(String args[])

   The public keyword is an access specifier, which allows the programmer to control the visibility of class members. When a class member is preceded by public, then that member may be accessed by code outside the class in which it is declared.In this case, main( ) must be declared as public, since it must be called by code outside of its class when the program is started.
Static -:  
   The keyword static allows main( ) to be called without having to instantiate a particular instance of the class. This is necessary since main( ) is called by the Java interpreter before any objects are made.
Void -:     
  The keyword void simply tells the compiler that main( ) does not return a value. As you will see, methods may also return values.

main( )-:  
 As stated, main( ) is the method called when a Java application begins. Keep in mind that Java is case-sensitive. Thus, Main is different from main. It is important to understand that the Java compiler will compile classes that do not contain a main( ) method. But the Java interpreter has no way to run these classes. So, if you had typed Main instead of main, the compiler would still compile your program. However, the Java interpreter would report an error because it would be unable to find the main( ) method.

String args[]-:
String args[ ] declares a parameter named args, which is an array of instances of the class String. Objects of type String store character strings.

'args' stands for arguments. These are the arguments sent to the main method. Usually they are command line arguments.
For an example of how they are used, we will assume your program is called HelloWorld.

So when you want to run the program you would normally type:
java HelloWorld
and the program runs and displays the string "Hello World" to the console.

Now, you could set it up so the person who runs the program can include their name. You could use a command line argument to have the name come into the program, like so.
java HelloWorld Mark
Then your program will display this to the console.
Hello World Mark

So you would have something like this in your program.
public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print("Hello World");

if (args.length > 0) { // Checks if any arguments are present.
System.out.print(" " + args[0]);

Since args is an array, the first item in the array will be a string of "Mark". You access the first item with the number 0.

Now, for a slightly harder example. Just say you wanted the program to display "Hello World" if the user did not enter a name, and "Hello <the name>" is someone entered the name. You could do something like this.

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print("Hello ");
if (args.length > 0) {
} else {

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

how to install and configure the tomcat server

how to install and configure the tomcat server


Tomcat is an application server from the Apache Software Foundation that executes Java servlets and renders Web pages that include Java Server Page coding ...
Steps involved in installation and configuration process for Tomcat 6.0.10 are illustrated below:
Step 1: Installation of JDK:  Don't forget to install JDK on your system (if  not installed) because any tomcat requires the  Java 1.5 (Java 5) and Java 1.6 (Java 6) and then set the class path (environment variable) of JDK.
Step 2: Setting the class path variable for JDK: Two methods are there to set the classpath.
  1. Set the class path using the following command.

    set PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_08\bin";%PATH%
  2. The other way of setting the class path variable is:
First right click on the My Computer->properties->advance->Environment Variables->path.
Set bin directory path of JDK in the path variable.

Step 3: Now it's time to shift on to the installation process of  Tomcat 6.0.10. It takes various steps for installing and configuring the Tomcat 6.0.
For Windows, Tomcat comes in two forms :  .zip file and the Windows installer (.exe file). Here we are exploring the installation process by using the .exe file.  The directory C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10 is the  common installation directory as it is pre-specified C:\ as the top-level directory. First unpack the zipped file and simply execute the .exe file.

The above shown screen shot is the first one shown in the installation process. Just click on the Next button to proceed the installation process.

click  "I Agree"  button to continue the installation process.

Click next to go with  the default components choosen. 

Choose the location for the Tomcat files as per your convenience. You can also choose the default location.

Now choose the port number on which you want to run the tomcat server. Tomcat uses the port number 8080 as its default value. But  Most of the people change the port number to 80 because in this case the user is not required to specify the port number at request time. But we are using here the default port number as 8080.  Choose the user name and password as per your convenience. We can change the port number even the installation process is over.  For that,  go to the specified location as " Tomcat 6.0 \conf \server.xml ". Within the server.xml file choose "Connector" tag and change the port number. 
e.g While using the port number 8080, give the following request in the address bar as:
Default Port: http//localhost:8080/index.jsp
In case of port number number 80 just type the string illustrated below in the address bar:
New Port: http://localhost/index.jsp
Note that we do no need to specify any port number in the URL.
Now click on the Next button to proceed the installation process.
The installation process shows the above screen as the next window. This window asks for the location of the  installed Java Virtual Machine. Browse the location of the JRE folder and click on the Install button. This will install the Apache tomcat at the specified location.

To get the information about installer click on the "Show details" button.

After completion of  installation process it will display the window like the above one.

On clicking at Finish button, a window like the above one will display a message printed on the window given below.

After successfully installing, a shortcut icon to start the tomcat server appears in the icon tray of the task bar as shown above. Double clicking the icon, displays the window of Apache Manager for Tomcat. It will show the "Startup type" as manual since we have changed the destination folder for tomcat during the installation process. Now we can configure the other options like "Display name" and "Description" .We can also start, stop and restart the service from here.

If  installation process completes successfully then a window as shown below will appear.

Now , set the environment variable for tomcat :
Step 4: Setting the JAVA_HOME Variable: Purpose of setting the environment variable JAVA_HOME is to specify the location of the java run time environment needed to support  the Tomcat else Tomcat server does not run.  This variable contains the path of  JDK installation directory. Note that  it should not contain the path up to bin folder.

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_08

Here, we have taken the URI path according to our installation convention

For Windows XP, Go through the following steps:

Start menu->Control Panel->System->Advanced tab->Environment Variables->New->set the Variable Name as  JAVA_HOME and Variable Value as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0 and then click on all the three ok buttons one by one. It will set the JDK path.

For Windows 2000 and NT, follow these steps:

Start->Settings->Control Panel->System->Environment Variable->New->set the Variable Name as JAVA_HOME and Variable Value as  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0 and then click on all the three ok button one by one. It will set the JDK path

Now , Start the Tomcat Server :  Start the tomcat server from the bin folder of  Tomcat 6.0 directory by double clicking the " tomcat6.exe "  file. You can also create a shortcut of this .exe file at your desktop.

Stop the Tomcat Server: Stop the server by pressing the "Ctrl + c" keys.


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